Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mexico and the US

For the past two years Mexico has experienced extreme inner turmoil due to the situation with the drug cartels. Although the mexican government recently legalized all drugs the drug war has continued to ravage the country. The ongoing trade between South American cartels has made violence more rampant closer to the U.S. border. While the U.S. has not taken any official stand against these cartels, they still have a negative effect on certain parts of the U.S. This has brought about the question of whether we should intervene or not. Personally I believe that unless the U.S. is being seriously threatened that we do not have the right to march into another country and try to change it how we like. In this particular situation I think that the U.S. should only intervene in Mexico if Mexico requests our help, or if they approve of us being there. I think that in the long run helping mexico would benefit the U.S. by furthering our standing and good relations with Mexico and helping the U.S.' trade.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Barder & the Boy

"Come here Barder, come here!" The little boy had climbed up on the table and was yelling out the window. When he heard his dog coming he hopped down and ran to open the door. Barder, is a seven year old German shepherd that the little boy's family had had since before he was born. The boy and Barder walked outside onto the front lawn. The neighborhood was silent, and the only light was from the full moon. The boy grabbed hold of Barder's collar, and climbed onto his back. "Go Barder go!" the little boy whispered. Barder started running and before they had reached the hedge at the end of the lawn Barder was in the air. They were flying.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing In Reverse

It's the last day of the semester, and Jason Wes opens his eyes and stares at the red digits on his alarm clock by the corner of his bed. As the numbers come into focus Jason is filled with a sinking feeling. 9:24am. His film class at NYU starts in exactly 36 minutes. Jason throws back the heavy sheets that are covering him, and flings himself out of bed. If he showed up late to class today, his final project might not be accepted. Furthermore, his internship at the film studio that was due to start the next month would not accept him if he got anything lower than an "A" in his film class. Jason rummaged through his closet for some clean clothes, and threw them on. He didn't care that the vest he was wearing was his roommates, he just put it on and ran into the kitchen ducking and he passed through the doorway, so as not to hit his afro on the frame. He glanced at his watch. 9:32. Luckily, he had leaned his final project up against the stairwell the night before. His project was a short film that he and 3 of his friends starred in. It just so happened that out of the 4 of them, he was the one who was chosen to look after the reels. He scooped up his bag along with the film reels, and grabbed an apple from the counter as he shut the door behind him. Normally it took Jason 15 minutes to get from his apartment to the subway station. Today it took him 10. He locked his bike, and grabbed the two reels. He was sweating from the ride there. To his dismay, as he ran down the stairs he hit an old lady who walked in front of him, and her grocery bag ripped, it's contents rolling all over the floor. Jason scrambled around trying to help the old lady get her groceries, apologizing over and over. As the turn styles came into sight he heard his trains doors opening. It had already arrived, and people were flooding the platform. He sprinted the rest of the way film reels in hand. He swiped his card, and shoved through the turn style towards the train.