Monday, November 2, 2009

Response to Michael Pollen's "In Defense of Food."

Why do people eat unhealthy?

Mostly just because it is easier, faster, cheaper, it may taste better in some cases rather than healthier food, and because it is familiar, and sold in more places so it is more accessible.

What should the government be doing about Genetically Modified food?

I don't think that the government holds any role in education, or "telling" us what to eat. We should have the choice to eat what we want, healthy or not, educated or uneducated. The only role that the government plays, is ensuring that the people have access to all foods, healthy/organic, and unhealthy/processed foods.


  1. Eli, I like your response because it is short and interesting. So as a consumer you don't feel like the government should step in and ban any kind of food? I look forward to your response.

  2. Eli, I liked how short and sweet this was.
    but do you think the government has an infulence on what we eat? and what we think is bad?

  3. Eli, i agree with your responses and i like how they were short and too the point. But why don't you think the government should atleast let people know of what foods are good and bad?

  4. Eli, I see where you are coming from, but remember to think about everything when it comes to a response like this. For example, if the government didn't do anything in the food industry there could be some really bad problems, like a monopoly of some sort. The larger corporations could eventually buy out the other companies, taking away the choices you have now and limiting them to a few brands. Also think about the fact that if you don't allow the government to regulate foods, then we wont have the choices we have now, they try to keep the market balanced and fair to an extent, without them some companies would take over the market.

  5. Eli:) I agree completely with you on the fact that people do eat unhealthy because ultimately it's just a faster and cheaper way to live. If you're in a hurry and you have the choice between making a smoothie or grabbing bag of chips, then obviously you would just grab the chips. I have unset opinions about government involvement in America's eating habits because I agree with certain arguments from both sides. Part of me thinks that if people aren't serious about putting a stop to all of the health issues linked to unhealthy eating habits, then the government won't be able to convince any of us. The other part thinks that if the government doesn't step in then everyone will live unhealthy a unhealthy lifestyle forever!
    I just don't know.
